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Short-Form Video Is a Brand’s Best Friend


Video Views


Paid Impressions




We’re well-acquainted with Cavalier Gastown and proud of it. After years of partnership, the popular made-to-order wedding band and engagement ring company trusted us to solve their challenge of producing fresh and fetching short-form video content. They have a loyal following but needed help to create material for newer platforms like TikTok that engaged their target audience. Fortunately, short-form video content is right up our alley, and we couldn’t wait to embark on this exciting project.

The Solution:

With our teams’ skills and expertise in social media strategy and production, we were confident we had the tools to create something dazzling for Cavalier Gastown. bowerhouse devised a plan to leverage an influencer to create an interactive content creator hype-up video for the iconic brand. We knew that having an influencer showcase Cavalier’s bespoke process of producing gorgeous rings would help them translate as authentic and relatable to their consumers. And we didn’t stop there. Once the video was perfected and ready to publish, we kicked things up a notch by promoting it on TikTok to get it directly in front of Cavalier’s target audience. As expected, it was a #success! Although we made the video for TikTok, we repurposed it to Instagram Reels to maximize reach and exposure. With this approach, we were able to speak directly to Cavalier’s target audience through various channels, highlight their products, and generate leads for the Cavalier team. It was a win-win situation for everyone involved, and we couldn’t be happier with the results.


Cavalier Gastown is now crushing it on TikTok! The video received 245k views in just one month, with 219k paid impressions. Amazing, right? But that’s not all. Our interactive content creator video also aided Cavalier in reaching an average of 500+ leads per month. We helped Cavalier create trendy content that spoke to their viewers, enabled them to stand out amongst their competitors, and built strong brand awareness – and the best part? We had a blast doing it! Keep on shining, Cavalier.

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